Wasserdichter Rolltop mit Laptopfach
Kostenloser Versand in Europa | |
Schnelle Lieferzeit | |
Fair produziert |
product details
VIDI BAGS ships worldwide to many countries in the world for free. We use the services of major, trusted international shipping partners and airlines to ensure your package gets to your destination quickly and safely.
Shipping upgrade notice
We have made it a priority to ensure items are delivered to our customers as quickly as possible. Recently we upgraded our shipping system to provide better service:
We managed to shorten the delivery time (3-5 days delivery time), especially for customers in Europe!
Unfortunately, we still have to charge customs fees for customers from Switzerland . We are constantly working to reduce these costs.
We pride ourselves on our product quality with strict quality controls. To give you additional security, we also offer you a comprehensive solution:
30 days money back guarantee .
Buy with confidence and enjoy a safe and secure shopping experience with VIDI BAGS!
We do not accept returns under the following conditions:
- Items outside the 30-day warranty period.
- Merchandise that has been washed, worn, used or worn.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our support via email or chat.
Can I return the item?
We pride ourselves on our product quality with strict quality controls. To give you additional security, we also offer you a comprehensive solution:
30 days money back guarantee .
Buy with confidence and enjoy a safe and secure shopping experience with VIDI BAGS!
Support is always available and will help you refund your payment. Please contact us via the email address:
How can I check the status of my order?
You will receive a confirmation by e-mail immediately after placing your order. Once your order has shipped you will receive a tracking number. Every step of the way, you can use it to see where your package is.
Does VIDI BAGS offer a quality guarantee for all products sold?
In any case! If you do not like the product or find any damage to the product, please contact us immediately! We do everything we can to give you the best shopping experience.
You can contact us at any time and we will be happy to help you.
Do you offer a refund if I don't like the product?
We offer a full refund of your order if you don't like the product, it's damaged or there's anything wrong with it!
When you place your order, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee.
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